Frequently Asked Questions
必须签 waiver/免责声明才能上课吗?
根据保险公司 2024 加拿大范围最新规定,所有课程必须签署 TXSNOW的 waiver/免责声明, 才能完成购买。
即,不签 waiver/免责声明,无法付款,无法上课。
Waiver/免责声明 link 请点击此处查看T-XSports Snow waiver
填写waiver/免责声明时,必须使用全名/法定名字(不可以是小名或简称)。 -
课程类:1V1 KM 课程+KM 2hrs套餐;1V1-1V 多人12 岁+及成人专业匠心课程。
非课程类:KM 无忧带娃;12 岁+及成人 FreeStyle 领滑。
团课类:2V4 新手团课 。
培训类:CASI/CSIA 一级二级准备课,CASI/CSIA 考官 ONLY;单双板三级/四级培训。
续约教练、小红书标明TXSNOW独家教练、小红书标明TXSNOW签约教练、TX群内群备注TXSNOW 签约/独家教练、五星好评、独立卖课、公开的社群媒体发信息#TXSNOW、公开的社群媒体发信息#TXSNOW、通过自己的理解新创我们社交媒体的内容、推荐新教练签约TXSNOW,并且帮助教练完成sign up流程等。
我想提升滑行和教学,会有培训吗?I want to improve my skiing and teaching skills. Will there be any training available?
A:TXSNOW的教练可以 教练特价参与我们的定期培训。我们的培训包含教学和滑行两个部分。
单板:校长Alex (三级+一级考官)提供周末的全天培训,资深三级+二级考官,CASI 创始人+元老 Adam Lowe 提供周末或者周中全天培训.
双版:CSIA 资深三+一级考官Catherine Powell,资深四级+二级考官+CSIA 元老 Tazz Jean Marc Charing提供周末或者周中全天培训.
具体可以跟校长Alex 联系提出您的需求、意见、建议。
TXSNOW instructors can participate in our regular training sessions at special instructor rates.
Our training includes both teaching and skiing components.
Instructor Training Details:
• Principal Alex Sun (Level 3 + Level 1 Evaluator) offers full-day weekend training.
• Experienced Level 3 + Level 2 Evaluator and CASI founder Adam Lowe provides full-day training on weekends or weekdays.
• Experienced Level 3 + Level 1 Evaluator Catherine Powell and senior Level 4 + Level 2 Evaluator and CSIA veteran Tazz Jean Marc Charing provide full-day training on weekends or weekdays.
In addition to regular training, we also assist instructors with arranging specialized training, such as advanced park training or even professional athlete-level training.
For specific needs, opinions, or suggestions, please feel free to contact Principal Alex Sun. -
如果决定不继续在TXSNOW教学,请联系info@T-XSnow.com ,或者联系TX 官方号,Alex或Colleen。
如果解约后决定回来,也请不要迟疑,联系我们,TXSNOW 的大门永远为您敞开! -
TXSNOW 具有CAD$1000万商业责任险,结合保险公司与各雪场规定要求,合规合法保障教练和学员安全。
保险重要吗?Is insurance important?
本着平等自由的价值观,我们不允许身着 TXSNOW的教练服进行非TXSNOW业务的教学工作。
同时我们鼓励教练们充分理解保险对教练和学员双方的重要性。如果教练对所有学员明确表明,没有保险不想冒险教课的态度, 则所有学员都会进入 TXSNOW的系统,安全学习滑雪有保障。
TXSNOW正式签约合作的雪场有哪些?Which ski resorts has TXSNOW officially signed partnership agreements with?
A:Officially signed partnerships include:
• Blue Mountain
• Mt. St. Louis
• LakeRidge
• Horseshoe
Blue Mountain is a year-round strategic partner. Its learning area can only be used by Blue Mountain’s snow school and TXSNOW instructors.
For ski resorts where we do not have formal partnerships, we will not operate.
We kindly ask our instructors to stay aligned with this policy. If students wish to take lessons at other ski resorts, please direct them to the official partner organizations or the ski school at the respective resort. -
教练工资发放按照本月发放,每月15 和30 号由 Payroll进行银行转账。 -
教练福利有哪些?What are the benefits for instructors?
A:Goodlife 企业合作伙伴 8 折+免去 $99 注册费
Gavin Lu – TXSNOW 首席摄影师的拍摄福利
Demon United 全年 折扣
Burton 每个月的 75 折官方联名活动
Burton StepOn 试穿活动优先名额
蓝山 系列活动的优先权
Ikon Pass 系列活动的优先权以及一系列大型 TX 合作品牌方活动的优先权
T-XSports Club 所有的群都是不可以带有商业性质的昵称的。但TXSNOW的教练拥有在所有 TX 微信群内昵称备注 TXSNOW签约教练的特权。让每个群的群友都看到自己作为教练的广告,以及TXSNOW教练随处可见的身影。
目前 TX 有关的滑雪的微信群:
MSL&蓝山群 5 个
Tremblant群 2 个
Downtown 卡普群 2 个
Banff 滑雪群5 个
密西 Oakville 卡普群
单双板教练技术交流 2 个
考级群 2 个
全新雪具团购+转让群 2 个
闲置二手雪具交易中心 4 个
Ikon 全球约滑群 5 个
Horseshoe 卡普群
Lakeridge+Dagmar 卡普群
Backcountry 滑雪群
Cypress Mountain 滑雪卡普群3个
Whistler Mountain 滑雪卡普群3个
Grouse Mountain 滑雪卡普群2个
Seymour Mountain 滑雪卡普群
Sasquatch Mountain 滑雪卡普群
Instructor Benefits:
• Goodlife Fitness: Corporate partnership offers a 20% discount plus waiving of the $99 registration fee.
• Gavin Lu Photography: Access to exclusive photoshoot opportunities with TXSNOW’s chief photographer.
• Demon United Discounts: Year-round discounts on Demon products.
• Burton Discounts: Monthly 25% off official co-branded events with Burton.
• Burton StepOn Fitting Events: Priority access to StepOn fitting sessions.
• Blue Mountain Events: Priority participation in Blue Mountain series activities.
• Ikon Pass Events: Priority participation in Ikon Pass series activities.
Additionally, priority access to a variety of major events hosted by TX’s partnered brands. -
工作天数,课时有要求吗?Are there requirements for working days or lesson hours?
不想被长期占用时间,只想兼职带课教练,更多是想进入 TXSNOW认识志同道合的雪友,一起快乐滑雪和 training 的,也不需要有带课压力,随时想教可随时临时接TXSNOW安排的学员。
There are no requirements for working days or lesson hours. We respect the freedom of instructors to manage their own time.
• For full-time instructors: You can bring in more students to earn more points and teaching opportunities. The more you want to teach, the more we encourage you to provide your available teaching schedule and preferred locations in advance to facilitate course arrangements.
• For part-time instructors: If you prefer a more flexible schedule and mainly want to join TXSNOW to meet like-minded snow enthusiasts, enjoy skiing, and participate in training, there is no pressure to take on many lessons. You can accept TXSNOW student assignments on an ad-hoc basis whenever you’re available.
This ensures a balance between freedom and opportunity for all instructors. -
如何获得学员?How can I get students?
在自我简介栏带上 TXSNOW签约教练,@T-XSports 或者 hashtag #TXSNOW。
通过自身的 IP 建立, 结合把 TXNOW品牌做大的矩阵理念,使自己获得更多粉丝,任职的学校更具有品牌信任度。
想获得 TXSNOW流量扶持的教练,也请联系我们获得更多详细资讯。
Instructors can gain students by following these steps:Request Support for Traffic Boosts: Instructors seeking support from TXSNOW’s traffic resources can contact us for more details on how to gain visibility and attract students.
By combining personal efforts and leveraging TXSNOW’s branding, you can effectively attract more students.Actively Update Social Media: Frequently update and operate your social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, X, Treads, Tiktok etc.
Highlight Your Affiliation: Include “TXSNOW Signed Instructor” in your profile bio, tag @T-XSports Club, or use the hashtag #TXSNOW.
Build Your Personal Brand (IP): Establish your personal brand while aligning with TXSNOW’s branding matrix to gain more followers and enhance trust in the TXSNOW brand and the schools you work with.
Engage with Official Accounts: Interact with TXSNOW’s official accounts frequently by liking, commenting, saving, and sharing their posts.
TXSNOW会安排学生吗?Does TXSNOW assign students to instructors?
A:TXSNOW是 一间Uber – like的公司。
自带学员进入 TXSNOW系统的教练,将获得更多的排课权重。
TXSNOW operates like an Uber-style platform.
• Instructors with their own students entering the TXSNOW system will have higher priority for lesson assignments.
• Instructors without their own students can accept students temporarily assigned by the system (more casual, with no guaranteed volume).
• Instructors teaching more lessons will also receive higher priority for future lesson assignments.
Students are assigned based on their needs, with priority given to top-rated instructors, star instructors, and those with the most positive feedback. -
什么是明星教练墙?What is the Star Instructor Wall?
欢迎已签约的教练提供本人近照/雪照/任何帅照,个人简介(有趣版)供我们放在 TXSNOW网站上,打造每个教练的 IP。
Please provide a personal photo when joining TXSNOW. All instructors will have a basic photo and name listed. Upon signing, please share your social media links, which will be displayed on the Star Instructor Wall for clients to browse.
Signed instructors are encouraged to provide updated portraits, snow photos, or any stylish pictures along with a fun personal bio for us to feature on the TXSNOW website, helping to build each instructor’s personal brand (IP).
We will evaluate teaching performance to select Star Instructors and create a specially designed Star Instructor Wall for display.
This ensures that students can see the professionalism of instructors endorsed by the website while searching for lessons.举例:
学生问现金能否免税怎么办?课程能否打折?报课多有优惠吗?Student Questions: Can cash payments be tax-free? Can lessons be discounted? Is there a discount for booking multiple lessons?
- A:TXSNOW 严格遵守加拿大法律,每一分钱都正规交税。现金不能免税,基础课程不打折。
- 所有课程有很多比打折还香的学员福利+小礼物送出。
福利举例:每个月的 Burton 25%OFF,Demon United护具的 学员全年折扣福利。 - 教练打折权限:
教练折扣的课程由打折教练本人带课。TXSNOW和教练按照对应比例承担折扣。 - 老客户折扣:
TXSNOW珍视老客户对我们的信任。去年报过课的学员,新雪季将享受老客户专用折扣。 - 课程折扣:
5 节,10 节,20 节依旧有课程折扣。
我们通过套餐里的 CRM 系统,学员各类福利和一系列优质服务,把有品质的滑雪课产品带给注重质量的客人。
Cash Payments and Discounts:
- TXSNOW strictly complies with Canadian law, ensuring all payments are properly taxed. Cash payments cannot be tax-free, and basic courses are not discounted.
- Exclusive Student Benefits:
- While courses are not discounted, we offer many benefits and gifts that are even better than discounts!
- Examples include:
- o Monthly 25% OFF on Burton products.
- o Year-round discounts on Demon United protective gear for students.
- Instructor Discount Privileges:
- o Instructors are allowed to offer discounts to friends or specific students up to three times per month.
- o Discounted lessons must be taught by the instructor offering the discount.
- o TXSNOW and the instructor will share the discount proportionally.
- Loyalty Discounts:
- o TXSNOW values the trust of returning clients. Students who enrolled in lessons last year will enjoy exclusive loyalty discounts for the new snow season.
- Package Discounts:
- o Discounts are available for purchasing packages of 5, 10, or 20 lessons.
- Through our CRM system, student benefits, and a series of premium services, we deliver high-quality skiing lessons tailored to clients who value excellence.
作为 TXSNOW 的教练有哪些责任和义务?What are the responsibilities and obligations of being a TXSNOW instructor?
“教练规章及流程”+“TXSNOW 教练准则” -
我有学生想要报课怎么办?我如何独立销售课程?What should I do if I have students who want to book lessons? How can I independently sell courses?
A: -
如果学生迟到怎么办?如果教练不小心迟到怎么办?What should I do if a student is late? What should I do if an instructor is accidentally late?
- 请保证准时,提前10-15分钟到达指定地点。上课时间以预约时间为准,如果迟到,我们将没办法推后/加补时间;
- 如果需要购买雪票和装备,请在上课时间之前完成,请至少提前1-1.5 小时到达雪场以保证装备租赁顺利,周末与节假日雪场将更加繁忙。
Policies for Student Lateness:Punctuality is Required:
- Students are expected to arrive at the designated location 10-15 minutes early. Lesson time begins at the scheduled time. If a student is late, we will not be able to extend or make up the missed time.Preparation in Advance:
- If the student needs to purchase ski passes or rent equipment, they should complete these tasks before the lesson starts. It is recommended to arrive at the ski resort at least 1-1.5 hours early to ensure smooth equipment rental, especially on weekends and holidays when the resort is busier.
Policies for Instructor Lateness:
- Lateness:
o If an instructor might be late due to objective reasons or emergencies, they must promptly contact the student and management/designated customer service personnel. A lateness mark will be recorded.
o If the instructor is late for more than 15 minutes without notifying the responsible parties or the student, it will be treated as absenteeism.
o If communication is made and the student agrees, it will still be treated as lateness, but the instructor must double the missed time or compensate the equivalent lesson fee. - Seasonal Lateness Limits:
o Lateness up to three times in one snow season or more than one unexcused lateness will result in contract termination.
Policies for Instructor Absenteeism:
- Unexcused Absenteeism:
o Failing to notify management will result in contract termination and the forfeiture of all earned points. - Rescheduling in Advance:
o If the instructor is unable to fulfill a confirmed lesson with more than 48 hours’ notice, they must arrange for another instructor (of the same level and employed by the ski school) to substitute. - Cancellations Within 48 Hours:
o 48-24 hours’ notice: The instructor must compensate half the lesson fee.
o Less than 24 hours’ notice: The instructor must compensate the full lesson fee. - Force Majeure:
o Unavoidable and uncontrollable circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
A:1. 如果学生因为自己的问题想要提早下课,我们不予以补退款。
2.教练有很多别的方法给学生完成课程,比如跟学生一起看看教学录的视频,给学生答疑解惑,或者普及一下装备和滑雪知识等。If a student wishes to switch instructors, with the current instructor’s consent, please ensure the new student clicks our lesson registration link and completes the waiver before continuing the lesson.
学生如果想要换人,在教练的同意下,请确定新学生点击我们的报课链接,并且完成我们的Waiver 才能继续上课。
If a student decides to end the lesson early due to personal reasons, no refund or compensation will be provided.
Instructors can utilize other methods to complete the lesson, such as watching teaching videos with the student, answering their questions, or providing knowledge about skiing equipment and techniques.
Instructors are encouraged to constantly update their knowledge so that, even off the snow, students can still learn valuable information.
我们的工资是否可以用现金支付? Can our salaries be paid in cash?
一切教练薪资都是按照independent contractor薪资,$500 一年以上的工资, 我们的会计师团队会给教练开具T4A。
We adhere to the principles of legality and compliance, ensuring that all payments are properly taxed.
All instructor salaries are classified as independent contractor income. For earnings exceeding $500 in a year, our accounting team will issue a T4A form to the instructor.
Instructors are advised to plan their taxes in advance. -
我是二级教练,可以用一级教练价格接课吗?Can I, as a Level 2 instructor, take lesson at the Level 1 instructor rate?
Of course, you can.
We will make a separate note on your payroll for such cases. -
我可以加入TXSNOW运营团队吗?Can I join the TXSNOW operations team?
A:1.任何人都可以申请参与运营,可以与我们运营团队联系, 联系 T-XSorts 官方微信号,或发邮件给info@t-xsnow.com 。
4.有规划在日后从事滑雪行业运营,想积累经验的朋友,欢迎来 TXSNOW学习实践如何做好一个滑雪学校。
7.TXSNOW一切以互相平等,互相尊重的原则,欢迎一切的计划和沟通。- TXSNOW operates on the principles of mutual equality and respect, and we welcome all plans and discussions.
- Anyone can apply to join the operations team. Please contact our operations team via the T-XSports official WeChat account or email us at info@t-xsnow.com.
- All applicants will be personally contacted after sending an email, and we look forward to welcoming you to the team.
- You can contribute by taking part in daily management tasks, handling operational coordination, or participating in brand negotiations.
- If you plan to pursue a career in the ski industry and want to gain experience, TXSNOW is an excellent opportunity to learn and practice how to manage a ski school effectively.
- For outstanding operational talents, we may invest in your future ski school or even entrust you with TXSNOW’s operational rights and corresponding shares.
- After initial discussions, we will prepare a written plan detailing your participation in operations and the expected salary or rewards.
- 对教学内容的充分理解。作为学员学习滑雪的主要的信息来源,教练需做到⾔⾏⼀致,对所要传达的教学内容有完整清晰的理解,拥有清晰讲解与在雪示范的能⼒。包括对滑雪技术与所使⽤装备等知识的相应认识。
- 正⾯教学态度。教练需建⽴正⾯的,⿎励式教学环境与良好的服务态度。当学员在学习过程中表现出焦虑或沮丧时,需要教练提供良好的耐⼼。以循序渐进,⿎励的⽅式辅助学⽣完成学习⽬标 。
- 有效沟通。 为了避免学⽣理解出现偏差,教练应尽量以简洁直接的⽅式与学员沟通
- 观察与分析能⼒。教练将需要通过良好明确的分析能⼒,有效观察并指出学员的问题。由此提供可⾏的教学⽬标及⽅案 。
- 培训与指导的领导能⼒。对滑雪理论与基础知识的充分理解是⼀名好教练的基本素养。⼀名优秀的教练同时需要具备⼀定的领导能⼒,通过合理运⽤⾃身的知识进⾏有针对性的指导,制定出对应不同学员的学习⽅案。
- 开⼼教学。营造轻松教学环境,避免给学员造成过⼤压⼒。围绕愉悦的⼼情和开⼼的过程展开教学。
- 头盔,为了最⼤化避免受伤风险,所有教练与学员在上课过程中需佩戴合适的滑雪头盔,如果教练或学员忘记或没有头盔,可以通过雪场装备租赁部门租头盔。如学员坚持拒绝佩戴头盔,教练需拒绝教学并及时通知管理层进⾏处理。
- 授课前教练应对学员装备进⾏检查,确保⽆安全隐患。
- 安全第⼀,教练需⾸先保障教学过程的安全性。了解学员的能⼒并选择相应难度的教学环境(新⼿区,绿道,蓝道,⿊道)。明确为学员指出可能会出现的危险状况与应对措施。
- 教学过程中,教练应时刻处于可以看到学员的位置并且随时有方法控制学员的速度,如果教练领滑要每3-5个弯确认学员在安全跟随,如出现意外,教练应做好需拆板折返⼭上的准备。
- 教学过程应合理避免与学员⾛失,并事先与学员沟通并确定汇合地点
- 教学过程中教练应根据实际情况制定练习内容,确定学员能⼒,当天天⽓,所在的雪道陡度,雪况及拥挤度是否适合所制定的练习。。
- 有效讲解上下缆车的安全知识与相关礼仪,以及如何应对突发状况。
- 遵守并传达雪场安全滑⾏责任条例。
- KM教练在孩子刚开始接触滑雪时以培养孩子的兴趣为主要内容,为以后的热爱和专业打下基础,教学内容根据孩子的状态动态随时调整,课程中如遇孩子不舒服、太累和其他突发状况等原因无法继续课程,教练应及时联系家长确认是否结束课程。
如何成为TXSNOW的教练?How can I become a TXSNOW instructor?
什么是 KM?
A: KM是KidsMaster的简称,是由TXSNOW首创,根据孩子目前年龄段的体力、精力和注意力,订制专属 KM课程教学内容及时长。TXSNOW精挑细选KM教练,把孩子分三个年龄档位,准确定位和匹配最适合孩子年龄段的KM教练;KM教练均具备至少 30/50hrs雪上教孩子课时;或至少 30/50hrs 其他运动教孩子课时+至少 10hrs 雪上教孩子课时;或KM教练自己有孩子+至少 10hrs 雪上教孩子课时。
KM stands for KidsMaster, a program pioneered by TXSNOW. It is designed to provide customized teaching content and lesson durations based on children’s current age, physical stamina, focus, and attention span.
TXSNOW carefully selects KM instructors and divides children into three age groups to accurately match them with the most suitable KM instructor for their age.
KM instructors must meet one of the following qualifications:- At least 30/50 hours of on-snow teaching experience with children.
- At least 30/50 hours of experience teaching children in other sports, plus a minimum of 10 hours of on-snow teaching experience with children.
- Being a parent themselves, combined with at least 10 hours of on-snow teaching experience with children.
This ensures a high-quality and tailored learning experience for each child.
2V4 的新手团课是什么意思?人均只要$119 就能上 2hrs的课?!
2 名教练,4 个学员。1V4 的价格,享受1V2 的服务。
- 2 名教练交替教学,1 位教练照顾滑的比较快的 2 名学员,另一位教练照顾比较落后的 2 名学员,比1V2 需要互相等更有效率!
- 学员只需要在社交媒体发帖找队友,凑齐 4 人即可成团!
- 学员在社交媒体发帖时,带上#TXSNOW 的标签,人均可再减 CAD$10!
Two instructors for four students. 1V4 pricing with 1V2-level service.
- Two instructors alternate teaching: One instructor focuses on the two faster learners, while the other takes care of the two slower learners. This setup is more efficient than 1V2, where students often have to wait for each other.
- Students can form a group of four by posting on social media to find teammates.
- Bonus Discount: When posting on social media, include the hashtag #TXSNOW to receive an additional CAD $10 off per person!